1美制加仑(us gal)=3.7854118升(l);1英制加仑(uk gal)=4.5460919升(l)。根据度量衡换算:1加仑(美)=3.785411784升 1加仑(英)=4.54609188升 英制加仑是一种使用于英国、其前殖民地和英联邦国家非正式标准化的单位,英国已于1995年完成了到国际单位制的转换。现在从官方而言,加仑只应用于美...
Whether estimating fuel consumption for a road trip in gallons, measuring ingredients for a recipe in liters, or calculating storage capacities in cubic meters, the gallon remains a versatile unit of volume measurement.The liter or litre The liter is a unit of volume measurement in the metric ...
1加仑(美)=3.785 412升 ,1加仑(英)=4.546 092升 。加仑是一种容积单位,英文全称gallon,简写gal。加仑又分为英制加仑和美制加仑,两者表示的大小不一样。
The US gallon on the other hand is issued in the United States along with countries like Liberia, Haiti, Colombia, Belize and others. What is a Liter? Litre is a metric unit of volume. The value of one litre is commensurate to one-thousandth of a cubic metre. Litre was used as a...
1、1 gallon 加伦 =4 quarts 夸脱 =3.785 litres 升 2、1 pint品脱=20 fluid oz. 液量盎司 =34.68 cu. in. 立方英寸 =0.568 litre 升 3、1 peck配克 =2 gallons 加伦 =9.092 litres 升 4、1 bushel 蒲式耳 =4 pecks 配克 =36.4 litres 升 ...
1.根据中国国家标准GB3102.1-1993,换算关系如下:一加仑(美)=3.785 412升 一加仑(英)=4.546 092升 (准确值)2.根据度量衡换算:一加仑(美)=3.785 411 784 升 一加仑(英)=4.546 091 88 升
加仑是一种容积单位,英文全称gallon,简写gal。 加仑又分为英制加仑和美制加仑,两者表示的大小不一样。 扩展资料: 加仑的容积换算: 1、1 gallon 加伦 =4 quarts 夸脱 =3.785 litres 升 2、1 pint品脱=20 fluid oz. 液量盎司 =34.68 cu. in. 立方英寸 =0.568 litre 升 3、1 peck配克 =2 gallons 加伦 ...
根据中国国家标准GB3102.1-1993,换算关系如下:1加仑(美)=3.785 412升 1加仑(英)=4.546 092升 加仑是英美度量衡的容量单位,从前以计量用汉字写作“嗧”。其同时是液体和干量的容量单位,但两者的容量略有不同(传统英美度量衡的容量单位有分成“液量”和“干量”两类)。
The Gallon: A Widely Used Unit of Volume The gallon is a standard unit of volume primarily utilized in the United States and select regions worldwide. Its applications span across diverse sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation, where precise volume measurements are imperative....
A U.S. gallon is a unit of volume equal to 128 U.S. fluid ounces, or about 3.785 liters. It should not be confused with the imperial gallon used in the United Kingdom. Common abbreviations: gal, US gal Liters Aliter, or litre, is a unit of volume in the metric system. A liter...