[1] Kyrou I, Randeva H S, Tsigos C, et al. Clinical problems caused by obesity//Feingold K R, Anawalt B, Blackman M R, et al. Endotext. South Dartmouth (MA): MDText.com, Inc., 2018 [2] Aaseth J, Ellefsen S, Alehagen U, et al. Diets and drugs for weight loss and hea...
Feingold’s syndrome A developmental disorder affecting various systems caused by mutation in the MYCN gene which encodes a transcription factor (N-myc proto-oncogene protein, 464aa) of the myc family. FIV Widespread lentivirus (retrovirus) that causes an immunodeficiency in domestic cats.The immunode...
,Feingold Kenneth R.,Grunfeld Carl 摘要: Focuses on the role played by Leptin in the control of food intake. Reference to Leptin being secreted by adipose tissue; Information on the administration of lipopoly-saccharide (LPS); Results and conclusion of experiment conducted. DOI: 10.1152/ajp...
如果看不到里根对忠诚、权威以及神圣积极价值的探索,你会轻而易举地认为共和党在关爱与公平方面毫无建树。甚至你会同迈克尔·法因戈尔德(MichaelFeingold)一样,法因戈尔德是自由主义报刊《村声》(Village Voice)的戏剧评论家,他写道: 共和党人不相信想象,部分原因是他们缺少想象力,不过最主要的原因是想象会阻碍他们毁灭...
Daniel Feingold, Silviu Brill, Itay Goor-Aryeh, Yael Delayahu, Shaul Lev-Ran Pages 1-7 select article Associations between pain and depression in nursing home patients at different stages of dementia Research articleOpen access Associations between pain and depression in nursing home patients at diff...
The irreducible modules are obtained as the kernel of a certain operator, in contrast to the construction by Feingold and Frenkel for q = 1 where ... Y Koyama 被引量: 8发表: 1996年 Quantum Deformation and Tableaux Realization of Simple Dense l(n, C)-Modules. We show that all simple ...
Administrative, technical, or material support: Murphy, Willi, Feingold, Morris, Ha, Patel. Study supervision: Wong, Miller, Ford, Willi, Feingold, Patel. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Patel is also a principal at Catalyst Health, a technology and behavior change consulting firm. Funding/...
作者: Jing, Naihuan,Koyama, Yoshitaka,Misra, Kailash C. 摘要: We construct explicitly the quantum symplectic affine algebra$U_q(\widehat{sp}_{2n})$ using bosonic fields. The Fock space decomposes intoirreducible modules of level -1/2, quantizing the Feingold-Frenkel constructionfor q=1. DOI...
Feingold;Jack Levin,Journal of Laboratory & Clinical Medicine.1996,第1期 6. 血液病/恶性肿瘤患者侵袭性真菌感染的诊断标准与治疗原则(修订版)[J].《中华内科杂志》编辑委员会,中华内科杂志.2007,第7期 上一页 1 下一页 相似文献 中文文献 外文文献 专利 1. (1,3)-β-D-葡聚糖...
K.R. Feingold, B. Anawalt, A. Boyce,et al.(Eds.), Endotext (2000) South Dartmouth, MA Google Scholar 22 G. Vernon, A. Baranova, Z.M. Younossi Systematic review: the epidemiology and natural history of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in adults ...