1 EUR to LKR: Convert Euros to Sri Lankan Rupees Travelling to Sri Lanka? No need to exchange your Euros to Sri Lankan Rupees before you catch your flight. Just pay with your Revolut card and we'll convert your money for you at rates you'll love. That's all the travel money you ne...
Sri Lankan Rupees の通貨コードは LKR です。 通貨記号は ₨ です。スリランカルピー CNY - 中国人民元 弊社の通貨ランキングによると、最も人気の 中国人民元 為替レートは CNY から USD のレートです。 中国人民元 の通貨コードは CNY です。 通貨記号は ¥ です。中国人民元...
When in Sri Lanka, do as the locals do and pay in Sri Lankan Rupees. All you need is a Revolut card. It's almost like having a global passport to 100+ countries. How to send Euros to Sri Lankan Rupees Check out our EUR to LKR exchange rates with our currency converter and conversio...
LKR - 斯里蘭卡盧比 我們的貨幣排名顯示最熱門的 斯里蘭卡盧比 匯率是 LKR 兌換 USD 匯率。 Sri Lankan Rupees 的貨幣代碼為 LKR。 貨幣符號為 ₨。斯里蘭卡盧比 THB - 泰國銖 我們的貨幣排名顯示最熱門的 泰國銖 匯率是 THB 兌換 USD 匯率。 泰國銖 的貨幣代碼為 THB。 貨幣符號為 ฿。泰國銖 ...
As of the latest currency exchange rates, 1 Omani Baisa equal 0.7210 Pakistani Rupee. Enter the amount of money to be converted fromOmani Baisa(Baisa) toPakistani Rupee(PKR), it is converted as you type. Also, you can convert in the reverse direction (fromPKRtoBaisa). ...
USD EURO Recipient's Name: Recipient's PhoneNumber: Recipient's phone number in Sri Lanka Delivery Method Deliver to Home (Next day delivery) Pick from Kapruka (Same Day) Pickup cash at a Kapruka Office Frequently Asked questions about Money Delivery in Sri Lanka through Kapruka Who is...
Convert 1 thousand HRK to LKR with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Croatian kuna / Sri Lankan rupee rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
Valutakoden för Sri Lankan Rupees är LKR. Valutasymbolen är ₨.Lankesisk rupie UGX - Ugandisk shilling Vår valutarankning visar att den mest populära växlingskursen för Ugandisk shilling är kursen från UGX till USD. Valutakoden för Ugandan Shillings är UGX. Valuta...
O código de moeda para Sri Lankan Rupees é LKR. O símbolo da moeda é ₨.Rúpia cingalesa MMK - Kyat birmanês Nosso ranking de moedas mostra que a taxa de câmbio mais procurada para Kyat birmanês é de MMK para USD. O código de moeda para Burmese Kyats é MMK. O símbolo...
Sri Lankan Rupees to Polish Zlotych: exchange rates today LKR PLN 1 LKR 0.01 PLN 10 LKR 0.13 PLN 20 LKR 0.27 PLN 50 LKR 0.69 PLN 100 LKR 1.38 PLN 250 LKR 3.46 PLN 300 LKR 4.15 PLN 500 LKR 6.93 PLN 1,000 LKR 13.86 PLN 2,000 LKR 27.72 PLN 5,000 LKR 69.30 PLN 10,000 LKR 138...