Chunk Activator: chunk-activator-1.2.0+mc1.14.4.jar ClaimChunk: claimchunk-1.0.2.jar CleanView: cleanview-v2b-fabric.jar Clear Skies: clear-skies-1.0.3+build.10.jar Clear Despawn (Fabric): cleardespawn-1.0.4.jar Cwt Clothesline (Fabric): clothesline-fabric-0.1.2-all.jar ...
Chunk In A Globe 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 Mod. As we all know that there are many creations in the Minecraft which are generally focus towards resource gathering but this time we have a modification with decoration. Similarly, this mod provides outstanding aesthetics due to the fact it transforms th...
Entity Type: minecraft:villager (net.minecraft.class_1646)Entity ID: 3028Entity Name: VillagerEntity's Exact location: 332.93, 86.00, 17.27Entity's Block location: World: (332,86,17), Section: (at 12,6,1 in 20,5,1; chunk contains blocks 320,-64,16 to 335,319,31), Region: (0,0...
Entity Type: minecraft:player (net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer) Entity ID: 82 Entity Name: Simulacrum159 Entity's Exact location: -4373.10, 67.00, 166.87 Entity's Block location: World: (-4374,67,166), Section: (at 10,3,6 in -274,4,10; chunk contains blocks -4384,-64,160 to...
Minecraft体素也挺多的啊,它是怎么做的? 一个chunk就是一个单纯的int[16][16][256]的数组,然后不同chunk走hash 最后,感谢阅读 参考: graphics.tudelft.nl/Pub Milo Yip:以体素建构三维游戏世界 探寻可能:体素引擎,来自元宇宙的基本问题2·实现路径 cse.chalmers.se/~uffe/d github.com/aappleby/smh github....
I.e. In a quarter of a chunk you have 17 blocks of lava, 16 sand, 16 grass, 15 stone. Since the most abundant is lava, the pixel will come up as red.I don't know how it chooses when there is a tie, but I think it goes by block id# (lower is prefered by the map) Qcdy...
Patching net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap$1 1/1 Patching net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap$2 1/1 Patching net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap$DistanceManager 1/1 Patching net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap$TrackedEntity 1/1 Patching net/minecraft/server/level/Chunk...
CubicChunks, first of all, adds a 3rd dimensionality to the already existing Minecraft chunk system, allowing much more accessibility when it comes to vertical height (a must have when representing earth, since Mount Everests elevation of 8,848 meters and the oceans depth of 10,994 meters requ...
Entity Type: minecraft:chicken (net.minecraft.class_1428) Entity ID: 5 Entity Name: 닭 Entity's Exact location: 22.34, 67.25, 26.83 Entity's Block location: World: (22,67,26), Section: (at 6,3,10 in 1,4,1; chunk contains blocks 16,-64,16 to 31,319,31), Region: (0,0; co...