能的国际统一单位焦耳(joule,J)与卡(calorie,cal)的换算正确的是()A. 1kcal=4.184kJB. 1kJ=0.239kcalC. 1kJ=4.1
卡是卡路里简称(缩写为cal),由英文calorie音译而来,其定义为将1克水在1大气压下提升1℃所需要的热量。卡路里(calorie)是能量单位,现在仍被广泛使用在营养计量和健身手册上。国际标准的能量单位是焦耳(joule),1卡=4.185焦。 大卡是煤炭行业常用的术语。含热量为1000大卡的1千克煤炭相当于0.143...
1 Joule = calorie 01:41 Define specific latent heat of melting and specific latent heat of vap... 06:36 In the S.I. system, the unit of energy is- 00:58 Define 1 calorie and 1 kilocalorie. What is the use of calorimeter? 04:00 Distinguish between internal and external combustion hea...
Class 7 PHYSICS 1 kilo calorie=___calories... 1 kilo calorie=___calories Video Solution Struggling With Heat? Get Allen’s Free Revision Notes Free ALLEN Notes Text SolutionGenerated By DoubtnutGPT To solve the question "1 kilocalorie = ___ calories," we will follow these steps: Step 1:...
常用的热量单位,包括卡路里(Calorie)和千焦耳,(kilojoule,俗称千焦)。焦耳和卡路里之间的换算如下1千卡(kcal)= 1大卡 =4.184千焦(k)大卡=能量(千焦)/4.184例如:一袋乐事薯片是680千焦680/4.184=162一袋乐事薯片就是162千卡一盒芝士威化饼干每100g饼干能量是2066千焦2066/4.184=493千卡也就是说100克饼干是493千卡493...
1 千卡 = 4.184 千焦耳 1 千卡: 是能使出1升水上升摄氏1度的热量。卡路里(简称卡,缩写为cal),由英文Calorie音译而来,其定义为在1个大气压下,将1克水提升1摄氏度所需要的热量;卡路里(calorie)是能量单位,现在仍被广泛使用在营养计量和健身手册上,国际标准的能量单位是焦耳(joule)。作为...
Joule A unit of work equal to one newton-meter Calorie Amount of energy needed to raise temperature 1 gram of water 1 degree C Temperature A measure of how hot or cold something is. Absolutely zero Temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy ...
1 joule 1 kg m^2 / s^2 1 calorie 4.184 joules 1 Calorie 1000 calories 1000 calories 1 kilocalorie kinetic energy energy of motion: 1/2 (mass x velocity^2) q=mc∆T specific heat equation 𝚫T change in temperature Sublimation solid to gas Deposition gas to solid Solid liquid Gas Mic...
• Kilojoule • Calorie • Kilocalorie • Megacalorie • Gigacalorie • Watt hour • Kilowatt hour • Megawatt hour • Electronvolt • British thermal unit (BTU) • Therm (US) • Foot pound Fabric Converter You can easily convert: ...
千卡( 千焦耳 ) == kilocalorie / kcal ( kilojoule ) 千焦耳( kj ) == kilojoule ( kh ) 口== mouth 口角降肌( 笑肌 ) == depressor anguli oris ( risorius ) 口角提肌( 笑肌) == levator anguli oris ( risorius ) 口渴( 营养 ) == thirst ( nutrition ) ...