notetoutes les pressions sont des pressions manomtriques exprimes en mgapascals : 1 mpa = 10 bar. 2rfrences normatives cette norme europenne comporte par rfrence date ou non date des dispositions dautres publications. ces rfrences normatives sont cites aux endroits appropris dans le texte...
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(p-value = 0.0015). ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni test was used.dFourier transforms traction microscopy showing RMS traction in pascals of control and treated mouse ESC-CMs indicates increased contractility and force production in agonist-treated PSC-CMs.n = 6.eRepresentative ...
公司秉承“诚信是立足之本,创新是发展之源”的企业理念,以客户满意作为工作标准严格要求员工,经过近10年的发展,本公司也逐步具有以下几点优势: (1).更多的品牌 我们的优势品牌主要包括: 日本NSD编码器、NSD控制器、NSD交换器、NSD定位译码器(ABSOCODER)、NSD电缆; 美国MTS传感器、MTS液位计(MTS磁致伸缩传感器); WEB...
10BAR KLASSE 1.6MINI 1000 Ex II 3 GD IIA T4(X)60-ARV-VSSS-L530/V12-V44A-EX L1=150 L2=425 L3=485VCA 2FC R1/81 266120/20-1 F-0855725AS20-6 Nr12 31409 0243/2-WEGE-VENTIL TYP 2002 2132MAGNETVENTILBLOCK TYP MKEN-6014 704420ROQ424 312219-12 new ID.631702-12CBX-100CAB-434...
6 S: D-50968 Köln N: Tsu-Sheng Tsao E: D: IGMP(Internet Group Management Protocol) version 2 S: 2F 14 ALY 31 LN 166 SEC 1 SHIH-PEI RD S: Taipei S: Taiwan 112 S: Republic of China S: 24335 Delta Drive S: Diamond Bar, California 91765 S: USA N: ...
MGV Stromversorgungen GmbH DGH503-2420/BKamstrup A/S PRESSURE TRANSMITTER 100BAR K METRO 100BAR K METRO "KAMSTRUP METRO 81-19-120 3/8"Breuell & Hilgenfeldt GmbH W2D225-EB14-01 80W 400VAC 0.17A HOLZMA Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH GMIX1A-010-3.0Penny & Giles GmbH D1315Dieter Breitenbach ...
The compressive modulus is determined or measured as per DIN EN 100 844. In addition, it can be provided according to the invention that at room temperature (20° C.) and atmospheric pressure (1.01325 bar) the air permeable layer has a specific gravity (bulk density) in the range from 5...
19 压力变送器 PTDH0015BADA 0-15BAR 20 多回路数显表 XMB82UUUUOOP 21 电磁阀 SCE238A002 22 万用表 ZY890D万用表? 序号 名称 规格型号 1 对位及数据采集传装置(地面) 型号:WLX-NCCS-PCD-2S 2 振动探头 "P/N EK-2110-30-05-1-10 " 3 隔爆型角行程电动执行机构 型号:DKJ-210BS 控制:1-5V...