1 Arnswald, W.: Tagungsbericht zur VGB-Konferenz ,,Restlebensdauer 1992“, Mannheim (1992).Search in Google Scholar 2 Choudhary, B. K.; Bhanu Sankara Rao, K.; Mannan, S. L.: Int. Symp. on Fatigue and Fracture in Steel and Concrete Structures, Materials Development Division, Indira ...
Schnelle Finishing 9 S FIN 8X1X3 Bär-Tex 1000 serie lange lebensdauer konvolut schleif rad norton, Weitere Einzelheiten zu Schnelle Finishing 9 S FIN 8X1X3 Bär-Tex 1000 serie lange lebensdauer konvolut schleif rad norton finden Sie auf der ...
G. zu PutlitzG. SchütteSpringer-VerlagZeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and NucleiI.J. Ma, G. zu Putlitz, G. Schütte, Z. Physik 208 , 276 (1968).I.-J. Ma, G. zu Putlitz, G. Schu¨tte, Lebensdauer des 5s5p 3P1- Zustands von Strontium, Z. Phys. 208 (1968) 278-285....
SIRT1 Modulatoren zur Veränderung der Lebensdauer/Stressreaktion von Zellen/OrganismenProvided herein are methods and compositions for modulating the activity of sirtuin deacetylase protein family members; p53 activity; apoptosis; lifespan and sensitivity to stress of cells and organisms. Exemplary ...
Tuberkuloseversuche an genetisch bekanntem Mäusematerial; Überlebensdauer von zwei homozygoten Mäusestämmen und der F-1-Generation ihrer HybridenGranular solidsGranular flowGranular modelingComputer modelingComputer simulationThe constitutive modelling of granular materials both at the microstructural ...
Dynamisches Lebensdauermodell Teil 1. Markovsches Ausfallgesetz / Dynamic life-time model Part 1. Markovian failure lawAn explicit formula for the suboptimal control of linear plants has been derived by the author [see IEEE Trans. Autom. Control AC-30, 488–491 (1985; Zbl 0555.93025)]. ...
VERFAHREN ZUR HERSTELLUNG EINES ELEKTRISCHEN KONDENSATORS MIT LANGER LEBENSDAUERA method is described by which the residual moisture can be removed from wound capacitors containing dielectric layers of thermoplastic plastic material, the residual moisture being broken down by electrochemical decomposition and...
Geformte metallmembran mit verbesserter lebensdauer Shaped metal membrane with improved service lifeE Jensen
The inventive compact, electrodeless, low pressure gas discharge lamp is used as a light source for general and communal lighting, inside and outside, in the fields of medicine and cosmetics.doi:EP1340243 A1TEWS WALTERROTH GEB HENKEKLIMKE JENSSCHIMKE CONRADEP...
Plattenlaser mit erhhter lebensdauer Slab laser with increased lifetimePhilip GardnerDonald SmithJoseph DallarosaWayne Mefferd