Methyl 2,4-diamino-2,4-dideoxy-α-d-idopyranoside and its bis(ammonium) salt show strong 1,3-diaxial interactions of polar nature, resulting in an increase of the 1C4 conformation up to 74% and 84%, respectively.HansPaulsenandHubert...
Konformationsanalyse, XIV1) Bootkonformationen bei tert‐Butylcyclohexan‐Derivaten durch polare 1,3‐diaxiale Wechselwirkungen2- trans - trans -Diamino-4- cis - tert -butyl-1-r-cyclohexylacetate dihydrochloride (7) exclusively adopts boat conformation 7 . Polar repulsion of the two ammonium ...