1+1大于2. 1 plus 1 is bigger/greater than 2.下面是一篇关于此方面的稿子,你看看是否适合。Since we enter the 21st century,the spirit of cooperation has become more and more important.Win-win is a popular word. In this way, one plus one is actually bigger than rather than jus...
以英语为例,可以译为:"One plus one makes more than two"或"Collaboration yields greater results than individual efforts"。这些表达不仅直接传递了原文意思,而且在英语语境下更加生动、易于理解。在不同语言中,选择能准确传达"1加1大于2"深层含义的词语至关重要。例如,日语中可能选用"一加一等于...
one is bigger than two
one add to one is greater than two.
The power of cooperation is immeasurable but it is within your reach. Because one plus one is more than two!
1 more than 2意思是比2多1,也就是在2的基础上再加1,所以更符合计算公式的写法应该是2+1。
2.考情分析: 23年考研英语整体难度是很难的,相比于23年以前公认的10年是难度天花板有过之而无不及,尤其是阅读和新题型,几乎到了看三遍都读不懂的地步,所以笔者在这两道题上摔了一个大跟头。 (四)完型和作文 1.完型: 不同于许多师兄师姐所推荐的,放弃分值不高但是题目数量众多的完型,由于笔者长难句没有...
一般情况下,2或以上就是复数,但也有一些情况取决于句意:the singer and dancer is very famous these days. 这个歌舞艺人最近很火 The singer and the dancer are Chinese. 歌手和舞者都是中国人 one and one is two 一加一等于二 Tom and Lily's mother is a teacher 汤姆和莉莉的妈妈...