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the main pathway for oxidative DNA base lesion repair. NEIL1 and NEIL3 DNA glycosylases affect cognition in mice, while the role of NEIL2 remains unclear. Here, we investigate the impact of NEIL2 and its potential overlap with NEIL
radiatoroverflowtank radic radical chronic phary radical circle radical mastectomy radical surgery radice sm radices helenii radices molles gangli radio television arts radio accounting auth radio and space scien radio and tape player radio astronomical te radio basic statio radio bearingradio be radio ...
直角坐标与极坐标的转换关系:x=ρcosθ , y=ρsinθ 因此ρ=√(x²+y²)=tan(ρ/ρcosθ)=tan(√(x²+y²)/x)即√(x²+y²)=tan(√(x²+y²)/x)
②根式的概念 式子 n a 叫做根式(radical) ,这里 n 叫做根指数(radical exponent) ,a 叫做被开方数 (radicand). ③根式的性质 1/7 当 n 是奇数时, n a =a;当 n 是偶数时, n a =|a|=a, ? n n a ? 0, ?a, ?? a, a ? 0. (2)分数指数幂 ①正数 a 的正分数指数幂...
问题2:(1)0的平方是___,如果x2=0,那么x=___.(2)0的算术平方根是___.人教版数学《平方根》课件-完美版1 知1-导 问题3:学校要举行美术作品比赛,小鸥想裁出一块面积为25dm2的正方形画布,画上自己的得意之作参加比赛,这块正方形画布的边长应取多少?你一定会算出边长应取5dm.说一说,你是怎样...
那么 x 叫做 a 的 n 次方根 (n th root),其中 n >1,且n∈ N *. 当n是奇数时,正数的 n次方根是一个正数,负 数的 n 次方根是一个负数.此时, a 的 n 次方根用 符号 n a 表示. 式子 n a 叫做根式(radical),这里n 叫做根指数 ( radical exponent ), a 叫做被开方数(radicand). 当n是...
Radicella, G. Tell Critical lysine residues within the overlooked N-terminal domain of human APE1 regulate its biological functions Nucleic Acids Res., 38 (2010), pp. 8239-8256 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [57] G. Antoniali, L. Lirussi, C. D'Ambrosio, F. Dal Piaz, C. Vasc...
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