0xa0字节的含义:在UTF-8编码中,0xa0不是一个有效的起始字节。它通常在ISO-8859-1(也称为Latin-1)或其他一些编码中表示非断空白符(non-breaking space)。 为何导致错误:当解析器期望一个UTF-8编码的字符串时,遇到0xa0会导致解析失败,因为这不是一个有效的UTF-8字符。 4. 数据清洗 目标:移除或替换数据源中...
又说是编码的问题。说在JAVA Options:增加【-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8、server.xml增加【URIEncoding='UTF-8'】、请求头部加Content-Type = application/json;charset=utf-8等等之类,发现这些都已经设置过了。
打断点调试,发现没有进入接口。问题定位在接口请求参数问题,网上查相关资料说是什么响应消息头的问题,又说是编码的问题。说在JAVA Options:增加【-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8、server.xml增加【URIEncoding=‘UTF-8’】、请求头部加Content-Type = application/json;charset=utf-8等等之类,发现这些都已经设置过了。 解决...
打断点调试,发现没有进入接口。问题定位在接口请求参数问题,网上查相关资料说是什么响应消息头的问题,又说是编码的问题。说在JAVA Options:增加【-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8、server.xml增加【URIEncoding='UTF-8'】、请求头部加Content-Type = application/json;charset=utf-8等等之类,发现这些都已经设置过了。
URLEncoder.encode(data,"UTF-8"); before executing the request, Btw: The header seems to be fine, So long Thomas Ayaskant Swain May 25, 2018 Hi Thomas, I tried that but it did not work either :-( . Strangely the same jsonpayload works when i call the API via POST...
The cause of this is a file that is not UTF-8 is being parsed as UTF-8. It is likely th...
今天chrome打开一个网站上的txt文件.显示了很多聽...但是下载下来用Sublime打开就没有这个问题.才发现是因为浏览器默认使用了GBK导致全角空格出现了问题.解决办法是用0×20代替掉0xC2 0xA0... UTF8 转 unicode C2 = 1100 0010 + A0 = 1010 0000
The release tarballs of linux-pam, like this one, contain README files generated from XML sources, from which also the man pages are generated. While looking into the pam_namespace module I stumbled over an issue with the configuration f...