找到“Windows update”单击鼠标右键再点击“属性”在“启动类型中”选择“自动”。安装好SQL server后可...
Training module to learn about new major capabilities of SQL Server 2022 from cloud connected features to core engine capabilities. Documentation Error when you install SQL Server 2008 R2 - SQL Server This article provides a resolution for various errors that occur when you try to instal...
控制面板卸载 sql server 2017 管理员运行 cmd ,然后输入下面 REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "* 4095" /f 重启电脑 重新安装 参考资料: - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/720336...
找到“Windows update”单击鼠标右键再点击“属性”在“启动类型中”选择“自动”。安装好SQL server后可...