(0x80030001)解释为无法执行请求的操作。有两种方法解决:可以通过Kies驱动进行备份图片尝试,首先电脑下载安装Kies驱动软件然后将平板电脑的USB调试功能关闭(设定-开发者选项-USB调试关闭);然后将手机与电脑连接通过Kies驱动将图片备份至电脑中的文件夹尝试。考虑到文件存储的位置有一定的规律 ,打算通过linux...
(0x80030001): 无法执行请求的操作。
1 Ways to repair error code "0x80030001" 2 Meaning of error code "0x80030001" 3 Causes of error code "0x80030001" Ways to repair error code "0x80030001"Advanced PC users may be able to repair the issue with this code by manually editing system elements, while other users may want to...
高手进,复制照片时出..复制照片时出现错误代码0x80030001 无法执行请求的操作 电脑是win7 把诺基亚920手机照片往电脑里拷,电脑主机前面插口不好用 又换到主机后面原本插音箱的插口 虽然好用但复制照片时出现这个问
Error 0×80030001:Unable to perform requested operation. Fortunately, you can follow some simple suggestions to fix the error. What is error 0x80030001? The error code0x80030001, Unable to perform requested operation,occurs in Windows 11 devices while transferring data from a mobile or external sto...
What does error 0x80030001 mean? Normally, the error 0x80030001 occurs when yousearch for the file you intend to copyto the Windows PC instead of finding it manually and then trying to copy or move the file that is returned from the Windows Explorer’s search result. ...
When attempting to copy files from their mobile phone storage to their Windows PC, Windows users may encounter the 0x80030001 error. The error message is usually “0x80030001: Unable to perform a requested operation.” Windows is unable to complete the requested file copying operation, as indicate...