Comparison on different lime requirement soil test methods of southern acid sulfate soil by means of correlation with the result from pot experiment [Thail... Study on effects of planting date and planting density on grain yield of sunflower was conducted at Nakhonratchasima Field Crops Reseaech ...
Results: After adjustment for all potential confounding variables, more than 50g of daily egg intake was a risk factor for hypertension prevalence (OR=2.11; 95% CI: 1.34-3.32), and 1.94-3.33g of animal oil intake per day was a protective factor (OR=0.57; 95% CI: 0.37-0.88). ...
Study of oil free scroll vacuum pump characteristics: Comparison of experimental and calculated data en To verify the mathematical model of a scroll vacuum pump working process, an experimental unit for obtaining indicator diagrams was developed. The pump was modified to install gauges to measure quic...