Walmart 现有 Mobil 1 0W-40 全合成机油 5夸脱规格 3瓶,现价$68.88(指导价$89.88)。订单满$35美国境内免运费。点击购买>>小编推荐:美孚一号作为值得信赖的机油品牌之一,其生产的全合成机油更是机油中的极品,更够给予爱车更大限度的保护。此款0W-40为粘稠度较高的机油型号,适用于高性能发动机,更耐低温,...
Mobil 1™ FS 0W-40 motor oil is the result of decades of collaborative development with major car manufacturers and the application of the latest lubrication technology. It helps provide unsurpassed performance under very demanding driving conditions.
Mobil 1 ESP Formula 0W-40 carries the dexos®2 approval specified for General Motors vehicles. *The dexos® specification and trademark are exclusive to General Motors, LLC. What do the numbers in 0W-40 mean? The numbers refer to the weight and thickness, or viscosity, of the oil. Moto...
型号 一号0W-40 1号0W-40全合成发动机润滑油 mobil 1 0W-40 1号是世界的全合成发动机润滑油品牌,可实现卓的性能与保护等级。 1号0W-40 高级全合成发动机润滑油适用于新的汽油与柴油(无柴油颗粒过滤器即 DPF)发动机技术,可实现 的卓性能。该产品具有卓的清洁功能与磨损防护作用,及卓的总体性能。1号0W-40 ...
Sintered Bearing Oil 32 68 150 460号全合成烧结轴承润滑油 ¥ 1050.00 道达尔TOTAL TRANSMISSION SYN SAE 50卡车合成变速箱齿轮润滑油 ¥ 1100.00 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 品牌: 美孚 产品名称: 油品 40℃运动粘度: 46 产品规格: Pail 比重: 0.85 牌号: 深圳市宏阳润滑...
Mobil 1 FS European Car Formula full synthetic motor oil 0W-40 helps to extend engine life even in severe conditions Helps to control oxidation to prevent oil breakdown and maintain excellent viscosity for up to 10,000 miles between oil changes* Provides outstanding engine wear protection and perf...
美国亚马逊 Mobil 1 120760 Synthetic Motor Oil 0W-40, 5 Quart, 3 Pack: Automotive历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Mobil 1 120760 Synthetic Motor Oil 0W-40, 5 Quart, 3 Pack: Automotive
[LOCAL SET] MOTUL 300V Competition 5W40 2L Engine Oil S$47 openlybuy 6 天前 vin83 7 天前 klimth 8 天前 Petrol Fuel booster S$4.50 vhoh_werkz 11 天前 jinpei666 11 天前 blubbie 11 天前 Mobil 1 Engine Oil S$40 新品 thomaslee1836 ...
美孚1 号0W-40 得到以下制造厂商的批准: MB-Approval 229.3 X MB-Approval 229.5 X BMW LONGLIFE OIL 01 X VW 502 00/505 00 X 保时捷 A40 X 根据埃克森美孚,美孚 1号 0W-40 符合以下质量等级: API CF X VW 503 01 X SAAB X OPEL Long Life Service Fill GM-LL-A-025 X OPEL Diesel Service...
名称:金美孚1号 品牌:Mobil/美孚 容量:1升 认证及规格:SAE 0W-40 美孚选油助手网站: 产品简介 金装美孚1号 0W-40是性能先进的合成发动机润滑油,专为满足发动机对於清洁性能、磨损保护及整体性能的终要求而配制。其所含技术除经赛车验证外,也是NASCAR车赛的选用润滑油。由於其性能持久,当其他传统润滑油无能为力...