首先,全合成机油(Full Synthetic Motor Oil)是指由合成基础油(Synthetic Base Oil)制成的机油。与传统的矿物机油(由石油提炼而来)相比,全合成机油通过化学合成的过程,产生更加稳定、均匀的油分子结构。这个过程让合成油具备了更高的耐高温、抗氧化、抗磨损等性能。全合成机油的优势在于它可以提供更好的发动机...
Mobil Super™ Synthetic 0W-20 is a full synthetic high-performance motor oil that provides excellent high temperature protection even under severe operating conditions. It is designed to help provide long engine life and outstanding protection in vehicles of all ages, outperforming our conventional-sy...
De Oliebron Fully Synthetic Engine Oil 0W20价格 ¥ 130.00 起订数 1瓶起批 发货地 广东佛山 咨询底价 产品服务 热门商品 空调系统润滑油 车用减速机润滑油 SRS 润滑油生产厂 ¥ 296.00 气动气缸润滑油 汽车车门铰链润滑油 SRS 润滑油生产厂家 ¥ 262.00 Viva 1 Ecosynth 0W-40极力威酯类五类...
AISIN爱信推出的Fully Synthetic Motor oil 0W-20 API SN级全合成机油,是一款高品质的机油产品。作为世界500强之一,爱信精机株式会社在汽车零部件领域拥有超过七十年的历史,专注于汽车零部件的研发和生产。这款全合成机油采用了先进的制造技术,能够提供出色的抗氧化性和耐久性。即使在高温环境下,也能...
总的来说,AISIN 爱信 Fully Synthetic Motor oil 0W-20 API SN级 全合成机油 4L是一款高性能机油,具有出色的润滑性能、保护能力、燃油经济性和环保性能。它是保养车辆的理想选择,帮助车辆保持最佳状态并延长发动机寿命。如有任何车辆保养疑问或需要更多信息,请随时联系我们的客服团队。
AMSOIL Synthetic Diesel Oil SAE 0W-20 •为小型美国柴油皮卡、货车、汽车和 SUV 提供出色的保护 •提供比领先行业标准要求高 6 倍的磨损保护1 •保持粘度以增加发动机保护并提高燃油经济性 •在极端高温和低温环境中表现出色 •最小化油耗 1 基于 OM646LA 凸轮磨损测试中的第三方测试,使用 0W-20 作为...
Mobil 1™ Triple Action Power+ is the ultimate full synthetic engine oil delivering outstanding engine Performance, Protection, and Cleanliness with the added benefit of Fuel Economy. Where to buy Features and Benefits Why these matter for your engine: • PERFORMANCE: Reduces the stress of dai...
Idemitsu Full Synthetic 0W-20 Engine Oil SN/GF-5-5 Quart 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Idemitsu 0W-20 全合成机油 5夸脱 32.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
• Our adhesion enhancement technology utilizes fully synthetic imported base oil combined with new compound additives to meet the quality grade requirements of API SN. • This engine oil exhibits excellent low temperature mobility, allowing it to reach all par...
Hengbeauty MAX9 fully synthetic engine oil selected high performance base oil and imported additives, with good oxidation stability, can reduce viscosity changes, advanced cleaning dispersion, keep the engine clean and prolong the oil change cycle, can meet t...