BW财务数据增量抽取限制 0FI_GL_4 Note:The below scenario is applicable only for the datasources0FI_GL_4(General ledger: Line Items),0FI_AP_4(Accounts payable: Line Items),0FI_AR_4(Accounts receivable: Line Items) Scenario In BW, the delta extraction for0FI_GL_4from the source system ...
因为需要从总账获取物料信息,而BSEG是包含相关信息的,但是0FI_GL_4这个总账数据源却没有物料栏位,于是需要增强。 当然,如果你一定要客制化增强也是一定可以的,只要从RSA6附加结构,之后附加处理逻辑即可。 但是SAP帮我们提供了一个方法(为什么不直接就全放呢,还要用户去处理)。 NOTE:430303 Enhancing DataSource 0F...
SAP Managed Tags: BW Content and Extractors -- I am using hte extractor 0fi_gl_4 -- Infopackage has selection fields Accounting Document Number, Fiscal Year Period and Company Code 1) I want to see in the r/3 side how many records it would have for a parituclar seleciton (11/20...
The enhanced fields Hide option checked, remove that tick and save it. 4. Goto "CMOD" tcode, If project is already created for that enhancement goto disply mode. If the project is not created give the project name created and give the enhancment name as "RSAP0001" and save it. in t...
Solved: Hi,Supers DS 0FI_GL_4 uses AIE for delta process,which means it don't use delta queue,so how can we check the new delta ?(We can't use RSA7 though) BTW: can any
WHEN '0FI_GL_4'. "Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction FIELD-SYMBOLS: <FS_DTFIGL_4> TYPE DTFIGL_4. ASSIGN C_STRUCTURE TO <FS_DTFIGL_4>. "Details from SKA1:G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) SELECT SINGLE XBILK GVTYP INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF <FS_DTFIGL_4> FROM ...
Did you run the GL4 first? If you need to run AR4 without GL4 you need to decouple your extractors (see OSS on how to do this) Clearing date of yestrerday is irrelevant - I can put a clearing date of next year on a document - that doesn;t mean I have to wait til next year...
to your datasource 0FI_GL_10 .give the transport request no as you gave earlier. 3.replicate this into the BI system on this perticular infoarea. 4.if you want use it as it replicated else if you want to migrate into 7 you do that .go to the infosource say selecting ...
Hi, Can someone explain to me the difference between 0FI_GL_10 and 0FI_GL_14? Is it preferred to use one over another one? Should both be used? Thanks,