100194075300046299036508130499150423222224362503271607276418251125433012614599637549616650730302 邮政编码 邮政编码,(英语:Postal Code,又称邮递区号),是一个国家或地区为实现邮件分拣自动化和邮政网络数位化,加快邮件传递速度,而把全国划分的编码方式。邮递区号制度已成为衡量一个国家通信技术和邮政服务水平的标准之一。
Ensure that you provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name and, if available, the email address of each author. Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence for your article at all stages of the refereeing and publication process and ...
Ensure that you provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name and, if available, the email address of each author. Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence for your article at all stages of the refereeing and publication process and ...
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Postal Code:200000 Tel: 8621-56892588 Fax:8621-65875686 Buyers:TAKAMULA TRADE CO.LTD. Address:ROKUJIZO RITTO SDIGA,JAPAN Postal Code:23412 Tel:217915180 Fax:12-21-21213832 The seller agrees to sell and buyer agrees to buy theundermentioned goods on the teams and conditions stated below. Arti...
电子检验检测报告基础信息规范 T/CAS XXX—2020 电子检验检测报告基础信息规范 1 范围 本标准规定了电子版检验检测报告的术语、描述属性、信息模型、标准的引用关系、信息扩展方法等。本标准适用于对电子版检验检测报告的规定、定义、解释等。2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用...
postal_code varchar (7) NULL , co_pay money NOT NULL CONSTRAINT phys_co_pay DEFAULT (10) ) 1)如何检索在纽约州(NY)、华盛顿州(WA)、弗吉尼亚州(V A)或加利 福尼亚州(CA)实习的医生信息? 2)在结果集中,如何产生一个没有重复州的列表? 3)在结果集中,如何产生一个列,它包含co_pay值加每位医生5.00...
Postal receipt邮包收据 Cargo receipt货物收据 其它 Banking charges银行费用 Presentation of documents提示单据 Reimbursement/claim instructions索汇路线 Payment付款 Advice of payment付款通知 Acceptance承兑Carrier承运人 Consignee收货人 Shipping mark唛头 Shipment date装运日 Discrepancy不符点 Freight charge运费 Freight...
[City, Province, Postal Code] [Country] [Date] [Supplier's Company Name] [Supplier's Address] [City, Province, Postal Code] [Country] Subject: Spare Parts Procurement Contract Agreement Dear [Supplier's Company Name], We, [Your Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Purchaser," ...
1 SessionOneCourseIntroduction&UnitOne - 2 CourseIntroduction InternationalBusinessCommunicationisacoursetohelpyougetfamiliarwithThelayout(格式)Specialtermsandexpressions(主要内容)Certainwritingtechniquesusedindifferentstepsofinternationaltrade.(写作技巧)---Unlikeothertheory-orientedcourses,thisonefocusesmainlyonpractice...