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2 we give a summary of the construction of f(R,T) gravitational theory, where we explain the generalized form of the field equations and the hydrostatic equilibrium conditions for perfect-fluid spheres. Consequently, following KB’s approach [22], in Sect. 3 we obtain an analytic solution to...
1899-merge-triplets-to-form-target-triplet.cpp 1905-count-sub-islands.cpp 1911-maximum-alternating-subsequence-sum.cpp 1920-build-array-from-permutation.cpp 1921-eliminate-maximum-number-of-monsters.cpp 1929-concatenation-of-array.cpp 1930-unique-length-3-palindromic-subsequences.cpp 1958-check-if-mo...
SettingPO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (I36)to the valuePOR0740BCand completing the PO_BARCODE_IMAGE entry in theFormTypeMapping Properties Fileproduces a receiving worksheet with a barcode that represents the purchase order number and a barcode that represents the item and sku. The type of ...
Setting PO Receiving Worksheet Print Program (I36) to the value POR0740BC and completing the PO_BARCODE_IMAGE entry in the FormTypeMapping Properties File produces a receiving worksheet with a barcode that represents the purchase order number and a barcode that represents the item and sku. The ...
We obtained an exact analytical solution for spherically symmetric anisotropic perfect-fluid objects in equilibrium hydrostatic using the frame of the form of $f(\mathcal{R},\mathbb{T})=\mathcal{R}+\beta \mathbb{T}$ where $\beta$ is a dimensional parameter. We show that the dimensional ...
We obtained an exact analytical solution for anisotropic perfect-fluid spheres in hydrostatic equilibrium using the frame of the linear form of f (R , T) = R + β T where β is a dimensional parameter. We show that the dimensional parameter β and the compactness, C = 2 G M R c 2 ...
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Requests which do not comply with the instructions outlined in the form will not be considered. Only in exceptional circumstances will the journal editor consider the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors post acceptance. Publication of the manuscript may be paused while a change in ...