3.It seems as if she were an angel . 她好像一个天使。 4.A great number of problems have been solved in the pa st five years. 在过去的五年里很多问题被解决了。 5.As far as I know, both of them don't smoke. 据我所知,他们俩不都抽烟。 Ⅳ.语法单句填空 1.The stranger shook me ...
挂起,举起 1877 angel ['eind?l] n 天使,守护神 1878 circle ['s: kl] v & n 环绕,绕行 圆,圈子 1879 eve [i:v] n (节日或重大事件发 生的)前夕 1880 stocking ['stki] n 长统袜 1881 pet [pet] n 宠爱的动物 1882 as well [ z 'wel] adv 又,同样地 1883 kind-hearted adj 好心的 ...
20.Thelittlegirlcalled Jane"angel7(天使)becauseshesavedtheirlives., D. Listen to the passage and complete thefollowing sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每 21.Sue had to eat a sandwich when her friends had Cokesandice-cream. 22.Sue thought she was lucky because atleastshewhen she wassad. 23....
-Number- 01 BOUL'ANGE是全日本的“面包爱好者”几乎都会去打卡的超人气面包店。名字是法语的“boulangerie”(面包房)和“angel”(天使)的自创结合体。 这家店的特点是还原法国食谱,使用从世界各地精心挑选的面粉,以正宗的法式面包制作为基础,结合每...
28. Angel investor:天使投资者,指为初创企业提供资金支持的个人投资者。 29. Venture capital:风险投资,指专门为初创企业提供资金支持的投资机构。 30. Exit strategy:退出策略,指企业创始人或投资者在合适时机退出投资的方式。 以上词汇和短语在创业过程中经常被提及,掌握这些词汇有助于更好地理解创业思维。以下是...
Emily White, with so many birth problems in her body, was an angel! 【分析】 本文以人物与事件为线索展开,讲述了艾米莉天生残疾并且体型奇怪,但是她拥有一副美妙的歌喉。在埃米莉的家 乡,每年都会有一次户外演出在学校礼堂举行,表演者也需要是这个领域的佼佼者。去年,她去找她的音乐老师欧 文...
根据文中 Because the stamp is destroyed each season, Pat draws a new angel that conveys season’s greetings from Angel Station every year.的 描述可知它的名字曾经被改过很多次,故选 B。 B Enjoying a musical performance no longer requires a costly ticket or a trip to a theater.Thes...
Maggie:[pause] I don't know.Seth:Maybe... maybe emotion becomes so intense your body just can't contain it. Your mind and your feelings become too powerful... and your body weeps.7. Seth:The little girl asked if she could be an angel.Cassiel:They all want wings.Seth:I never know ...
M: I was on my way here, and I saw a crowd of people. They were standing around a tall fellow and they had pens and notebooks. Someone explained to me that they were getting his autographs, so I handed him my notebook and pen and I got one too.