ORA-03114 错误信息为“not connected to Oracle”,意味着 Oracle 客户端无法与 Oracle 数据库服务器建立连接。 2. 可能导致 ORA-03114 错误的原因 网络连接问题:客户端和数据库服务器之间的网络连接可能存在问题,如网络不稳定、防火墙或路由器配置错误等。 数据库服务未启动:Oracle 数据库服务可能没有启动,或者正在...
c#,winform程序,数据批量入oracle库时用到DataAdaper的.FillSchema函数,如:da.FillSchema(dt2, SchemaType.Mapped); 程序运行一段时间后在此出现中断,错误提示:ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE。 经从网上查找相关解决方案,有说重启应用程序的;有说这是此函数本身的一个bug,需要添加什么微软官方所说的解决方案...
"ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE". I'm closing the connection properly in that it will return to the connection pool. Here is an example code: using(OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString)) { conn.Open(); using(OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn)) {...
Hyperion Data Relationship Management - Version and later: 'ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed' When Running Export or 'ORA-03114: not connected to Oracle
程序运⾏过程中遇到“ORA-03114:notconnectedtoORACLE”的问题解决 c#,winform程序,数据批量⼊oracle库时⽤到DataAdaper的.FillSchema函数,如:da.FillSchema(dt2, SchemaType.Mapped);程序运⾏⼀段时间后在此出现中断,错误提⽰:ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE。经从⽹上查找相关解决⽅案,有说...
DROP TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_after; DROP TRIGGER sys.cdc_create_ctable_before ; DROP TRIGGER sys.cdc_drop_ctable_before; CALL sys.dbms_java.dropjava('-s rdbms/jlib/CDC.jar'); 这是oracle的信息: ORA-03114 not connected to ORACLE ...
以下是Oracle的信息: ORA-03114 not connected to ORACLE Cause: A call to Oracle was attempted when no connection was established. Usually this happens because a user-written program has not logged on. It may happen if communication trouble causes a disconnection. In addition, this message could ...
ORA-03114 not connected to ORACLE Cause: A call to Oracle was attempted when no connection was established.Usually this happens because a user-written program has not logged on. It may happen if communication trouble causes a disconnection. In addition, this message could occur when ...
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE Cause: The connection between Client and Server process was broken. This may also happen if the external agent extproc crashes for some reason.Action: There was a communication error which requires further investigation. First, check for network ...
ORA-03114 not connected to ORACLE Cause: A call to Oracle was attempted when no connection was established. Usually this happens because a user-written program has not logged on. It may happen if communication trouble causes a disconnection. In addition, this message could occur when ALTER SYSTE...