(*.bt)用于识别文件类型http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/repository/templates/ 支持cab gzip rar zip cda midi mp3 ogg wav avi flv mp4 rm pdf iso vhd lnk dmp dex androidmanifest class Drive.bt 解析mbr fat16 fat43 hfs ntfs等 elf.bt 解析Linuxelf格式的文件 exe.bt 解析windows pe x86/x64...
Cut - If a set of bytes is selected in the editor, this menu option will remove the bytes from the file and place them on a clipboard (see Using the Clipboard for more information). Note that when editing drives or processes, the file size cannot be changed so Copy must be used ...
The bottom portion of the dialog displays the number of bytes that do not belong to the process (Unallocated Bytes) and the number of bytes that are allocated by cannot be accessed (No Access Bytes). As well the total number of bytes that are marked as read only is displayed (Read Only...
When using the Text Editor, line numbers and ruler labels are now hidden by default (they can ...
Unlike traditional hex editors which only display the raw hex bytes of a file, 010 Editor can also parse a file into a hierarchical structure using a Binary Template. The results of running a Binary Template are much easier to understand and edit than using just the raw hex bytes (see the...
以管理员身份运行010 editor就行了
//--- 010 Editor v2.0 Binary Template // // File: ELFTemplate.bt // Author: 010Editor (Unknown?) // Tim "diff" Strazzere <strazz@gmail.com> // Revision: 2.5.6 // Purpose: Defines a template for // parsing ELF 32-bit and 64-bit files. ...
SweetScape 010 Editor Portable 是一款专业的文本编辑器和十六进制编辑器,程序其设计旨在轻松简便地快速编辑您计算机上任何文件的内容。该软件可以编辑简单的文本文 件,例如 Unicode 文件、批处理文件、C/C++ 源代码等,不过 010 Editor 最擅长编辑二进制文件。二进制文件是指那些可由计算机 读取,而无法被人读取的文件...
README MIT license 010 Editor KeyGen A License Key generator for 010 Editor. Written purely in Assembly Warning It is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only. Features Arbitrary usernames are supported License expiration date can be customized (any date between the next day and December 31, 3000) N-Us...
光电 这会将open-vector-editor Web应用程序打包为可在Windows / Mac / Linux上使用的电子工具 安装说明: 转到并找到您所在平台的最新版本(win / mac / linux) mac-下载DMG文件并双击以安装它 Windows-下载.exe文件并双击以安装它 linux-下载.AppImage文件并打开一个终端。 跑步: chmod +x Open-Vector-Editor...