前提是寄存器的配置都是按照user guaide步骤操作。没有问题,反馈时钟,反馈时钟是能,以及PLL2_N_CAL,PLL2_N都是计算正确的。 现在怀疑在0-delay模式下,sync的信号有问题,我用的是手动的送入sync信号,也就是说当锁定信号到来后,发送SYNC信号到芯片中,做同步处理,那么该芯片的SYNC引脚是否与0-delay模式下的操作...
没有使用sync, 0-delay模式指的不就是输出和输入的相位差固定吗?按照手册上的手册上的说法 Cascaded 0-delay mode establishes a fixed deterministic phase relationship of the phase of the PLL2 input clock (OSCin) to the phase of a clock selected by the feedback mux. The 0-delay feedback may pe...
As I know, the primary goal of 0-delay is to maintain a fix delay between CLKin and CLKout in dual-loop mode or maintain a fix delay between OSCin and CLKout in single-loop mode. That is, the delay is not zero but is a deterministic value. May I ...
The primary goal of 0-delay mode is to maintain a fix delay between CLKin and CLKout. That is, the delay is not zero but is a deterministic value. To further reduce this deterministic amount of delay, we can enable digital delay. The amount of digital delay depends ...
设置0 设置0他那个延迟就低一点
Delay 2000..Delay 2000- TickCount() TouchDownEvent 380,1180,0Delay 5000- TickCount() TouchUpEvent 0Delay 2000- T
A delay or loss occurs during log output. When the log storage space of the device is insufficient, the system deletes the earliest compressed log file to ensure that the latest log file can be recorded. Therefore, the delay or loss of output log information will not b...
方法/步骤 1 台式机在更换完主板后,可能会出现Executing POST Delay的提示,如下图,不过可以正常进入系统。那么如何让这个提示不再出现呢?2 解决方法:首先8200 8300 800G1以及对应的一体式台式机都可能会遇到这个情况。3 进入BIOS中设置Setup Password,保存退出BIIOS之后冷启动一次计算机,4 然后重新进入BIOS,...
serial restart-delay 连续重启延时 0代表不重启,>0(比如30)代表30秒后重启路由器。一般默认为0,除了特殊情况才作更改。
delay的最小值为1,也就是1毫秒 串口屏是单线程的,调用delay会直接死等,时间过长就会造成很明显的卡顿现象,延时超过50ms时不建议使用delay,超过50ms时建议用定时器控件来延时 执行延时指令后,设备CPU不会执行任何指令,但是会继续接受串口指令保存到串口指令缓存区。