1、If the state is UNSENT or OPENED, return 0.(如果状态是UNSENT或者OPENED,返回0) 2、If the error flag is set, return 0.(如果错误标签被设置,返回0) 3、Return the HTTP status code.(返回HTTP状态码) 如果在HTTP返回之前就出现上面两种情况,就出现0了。 0 代表本地响应成功。 这里面还有一个问题...
我在某个Http接口中使用RestSharp库,本地使用正常,但服务器上StatusCode返回0。但本地和服务器上postman都返回正常。 以下是C#代码部分: ` IRestResponse<T> response;varclient=newRestClient(); client.BaseUrl =newUri(_baseUrlface); client.AddHandler("application/json",newRestSharp.Deserializers.JsonDeser...
Could you share the PowerShell code that gets the status code 0 as result? Does the account the script is running under have enough permission to execute all the instructions in the script's source code? As far as I know, the status code 0 is not a valid HTTP status code: maybe your...
zerocoder161 声望
status的值一定会返回运行这些步骤的结果。 1、If the state is UNSENT or OPENED, return 0.(如果状态是UNSENT或者OPENED,返回0) 2、If the error flag is set, return 0.(如果错误标签被设置,返回0) 3、Return the HTTP status code.(返回HTTP状态码) ...
因为用户侧可能随时离开页面,或者因为网络问题把某次 HTTP 请求中断了,这种情况就会发生 status 为 0 的情况。 虽然status 为 0 有多种情况,但我们也可以根据日志里面的信息看出一些问题。例如上述截图里面的耗时都非常小,而且发生的用户比较集中,因此可以判断该接口是浏览器插件屏蔽掉了,这种情况常见于一些数据上报的...
接着,我们需要在项目中统一处理异常,捕获自定义的异常,并返回对应的HTTP状态码。 @ControllerAdvicepublicclassGlobalExceptionHandler{@ExceptionHandler(ZeroStatusCodeException.class)publicResponseEntity<String>handleZeroStatusCodeException(ZeroStatusCodeExceptionex){returnResponseEntity.status(ex.getStatusCode()).body(ex...
Could you share the PowerShell code that gets the status code 0 as result? Does the account the script is running under have enough permission to execute all the instructions in the script's source code? As far as I know, the status code 0 is not a valid HTTP status code: maybe you...