The science is clear: any hope of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees means achieving global net zero emissions by 2050. But that 1.5 degree goal is on life support – and the machines are rattling. We are getting dangerously close to the point...
诸位阁下,可持续新型社会契约意味着向可再生能源转型,以便到 2050 年实现净排放归零。 Excellencies, A sustainable New Social Contract means transitioning towards renewable energy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. 我请所有国家在拯救、重建和重...
"In October 2021, the airline industry committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Qantas' efforts will contribute to the aviation industry's collective efforts to make net-zero 2050 a reality," said Tjoeng.■
The city aims to reach net-zeroemissionsby 2050, two decades earlier than thetargetset by the national government. Mumbai isextremelyvulnerableto climate change. Anarrowanddenselypopulated(人口密集的)island, surrounded on three sides by the Arabian Sea, it isattackedbymonsoon(季候风)rains for four...
Hitting net zero emissions by 2050, a target set at the COP26 summit, could be achieved more quickly using city digital twins—working virtual replicas(复制品) that help track, manage and reduce environmental damage rapidly. The United Nations says cities, the most suitable subjects, which ...
Over the past year, the British government has delivered just one of 25 critical policies needed to get emissions reductions back on track, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) said in its latest report. Britain has legislated for net-zero emissions by 2050, and now the UK government must ...
andorganizationsaretakingactiontodealwithit.TheEuropeanUnionhassetitsgoaltoachievenet-zeroemissions (净零排放)by2050.Chinaalsohasthegoalofpeakingcarbondioxideemission(碳排放达到峰值)before2030and achievingcarbonneutrality(碳中和)before2060.Manycountrieshavecarriedoutpolicies,likesupportinggreen ...
The Chicago carrier made the flight to show the progress it has made toward its goal of getting rid of greenhouse gas emissions by2050. It’s a goal shared by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For now, the biggest challenge is producing enough low-emission, sustainable aviati...
Jaber said CCUS would have to play a role in helping the world reach net zero emissions by 2050. “It is one of many solutions we should pursue and we should pursue aggressively,” he said. “We need actions, guys. Let [the oil industry] take actions now . . . getting them...
It is part of the Biden administration’s goal to reach 100 per cent clean electricity by 2035 and net zero emissions by 2050. Granholm has also said the global market for clean energy technologies will beworth $23tnby the end of this decade and warned that the US risks “bring[ing] a...