Discover our collection: handbags, small leather goods, luggage, footwear, ready-to-wear. Free 30-day returns for items in our collection.
Decide on your style, size and colour. 3 Enter your initials or desired embroidery. 4 Choose your metal hardware. 5 Emboss your initials on the leather flap. MY PLIAGE SIGNATURE With My Pliage Signature, you can add initials to your bag. ...
Iconic prints reworked with invigorating pastel shades; discover this season's looks for Parisiennes in the countryside. Smoothie M Crossbody bagWhite - Leather kr 3,900.00 New Le Roseau S HandbagRoot - Leather kr 5,500.00 New Le Pliage Xtra XS HandbagLaurel - Leather ...
Happiness has a scent of its own PARISIENNE DIVERSITY From the edge of the horizon, nature inspires city living. Discover pieces in all its shades. ShirtArtichoke - Vichy jacquard 390,00 € Kimono jacketArtichoke - Technical taffeta 480,00 € ...
Discover our collection: handbags, small leather goods, luggage, footwear, ready-to-wear. Free 30-day returns for items in our collection.