河道黑臭 1. Some researches and projects showed that aeration was an available way to dispelwater blackening and stinkand ren. 在自然水体中,两种价态的铁离子通过氧化还原反应相互转化和循环;大量有机物排入水体打破了铁离子的正常循环,铁离子的不正常还原使水体中的Fe~(2+)浓度升高,成为影响水体黑臭的主...
水体黑臭1. Currently, water blackening and smell is one of important subjects about water environmental research and monitoring. 水体黑臭是当前水环境研究和监控的重要课题之一。更多例句>> 2) the black and odorous water body 黑臭水体 1. By detecting the contaminates which the black and odorous...
含磷洗涤剂使用时会使大量的磷进入城市水体,引起水质下降,水体变黑变臭。我们可以选购“无磷”洗涤剂,减少污染。 Uses the non-phosphorus detergent.Including phosphorus detergent use when can cause the massive phosphorus to enter the city water body, causes the water quality to drop, the water body ...
黑臭水体 1. By detecting the contaminates which the black and odorous water body brings,this paper explains the impacts on the black and odorous water body over environmental air quality. 通过检测黑臭水体对周围一定范围内空气中微生物的污染,说明其对周围空气质量的影响。 更多例句>> 4) water bod...