STEAM库中右键黎明杀机属性 - 更新 - steam云 - 勾选下面小方框 之后重启游戏就可以了。 4楼2018-04-12 20:17 回复 KING 死亡恐惧 13 试好了,跟我说下 5楼2018-04-12 20:18 收起回复 帅帅灬小黄 自我护理 6 来自Android客户端7楼2018-04-12 20:22 收起回复 RADISH...
调整电锯的过载- Fixed a save game issue which caused the message "Save Game Error 111" to appear. 修复保存错误- Tweaks for add-ons for The Hillbilly & The Cannibal 调整电锯和食人魔的附加品- Updated the Aura system 更新光环系统- Fixed an issue causing some items to be depleted just before...
Fixed an issue that caused an increase of auto-save checks in the Bloodweb. Fixed a case that caused multiple issues in the pre-lobby when disconnecting from the Network during the loading screen into a match, and reconnecting right before returning to the pre-lobby. Fixed an issue that cau...