#好译文# Hands of Gold(黄金之手) He rode through the streets of the city 他策马而来,行路进城 Down from his hill on high 轻骑款款下山 O'er the winds and the steps and the cobbles 他穿越窄巷,登阶过街 He rode to a woman's sigh 佳人闻声喟叹 For she was his secrte treasure 他华屋...
#好译文# Hands of Gold(黄金之手) He rode through the streets of the city 他策马而来,行路进城 Down from his hill on high 轻骑款款下山 O'er the winds and the steps and the cobbles 他穿越窄巷,登阶过街 He rode to a woman's sigh 佳人闻声喟叹 For she was his secrte treasure 他华屋...
电影讲短语:英语比喻性短语“黄金之手”hands of gold? 和Midas Touch点石成金的故事。 黄金之手歌曲什么意思 4 抢首评 2 发布时间:2024-02-23 18:35 查看AI文稿 蜜雪英语
5880 5 4:09 App 权游——二丫和黄老板(Hands of gold) 1120 -- 0:42 App 权游- hands of gold (再也没有听过比这好听的版本了) 70.3万 5675 10:30 App 《权力的游戏》戏外情侣总盘点 7万 73 3:35 App 《冰与火之歌》插曲:卡斯特梅的雨季,耳朵已怀孕 9488 15 2:44 App 【超高清】丹麦...
君临皈依者 → House Lannister. Loyal. Event.Cost: 2. 歌谣. Song. 响应:在你作为进攻方以5点或更高总能力差值赢得一次{阴谋}争夺后,选择失败的对手控制的一名角色,并将其返回其拥有者手牌。(每次争夺至多1次。) Hands of gold are always cold, but a woman's hands are warm. ...