英语作文关于黄旭华人物传记 In 1988,our country announced to the world.China became the fifth country to have a second nuclear strike force.Behind this exciting news,there is a burning name-huang Xuhua.He remained anonymous for thirty years,and none of his brothers or sisters knew what he did...
78.“中国核潜艇之父”黄旭华院士,是央视王牌节目“开讲啦”开播以来最年长的演 讲者。上周五下午,全校师生观看完该视频后,都眼含热泪。 为了学习英雄的先进事迹,请你根据提示内容,以“Huang Xuhua — the Father of China’s Nukes”为题,写一篇人物介绍。 写作要点: 1. 他出生于富裕家庭,但为了祖国强盛,放弃...