麦克白读后感2000字 一 如果有一天,你走在大街上,突然有个算命先生走过来抓住你的手掌细细端详,然后睁大了眼睛对你说:我看你眉清目秀命格不凡,将来必能做大官!你是该赏他几块钱然后高高兴兴做一下白日梦,还是给他个耳光叫他有多远滚多远呢?哈姆雷特说:Tobe,ornottobe:thatisthequestio!而我说:信还是不信...
麦克白为了巩固地位最终成了人人唾弃的暴君,被子两位王子和班戈 的儿子回来复仇而死了。那两位王子刚开始的时候或许会认为他们 逃跑而让人觉得他们懦弱、胆小怕事,可是不能说他们是聪明的、勇 敢的,在明知道自己斗不过别人的时候又何必逞一时之强而葬送...
is a general in the Scotland army. In the way of the defeat of traitors, I heard the vague prophecies of the three witches, and the ensuing incident of Sir Kant was able to fulfill the prophecy of the witch. Macbeth did not feel Thanksgiving, ...
《麦克白》英语读后感_2000字 First of all, the outline of Macbeth is like this: Macbeth, the hero, is a general in the Scotland army. In the way of the defeat of traitors, I heard the vague prophecies of the three witches, and the ensuing incident of Sir Kant was able to fulfill the...