Conus geographus地纹芋螺(地纹芋螺,又名杀手芋螺,俗称鸡心螺,为芋螺科芋螺属的动物); geography cone鸡心螺; geographer cone鸡心螺; 鸡心螺的英文是什么 鸡心螺用英语怎么说 鸡心螺怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [jī xīn luó] 鸡心螺翻译:鸡心螺的英文 cone shell,鸡心螺也可以翻译为 cone,还可以用 cone snail; Con...
鸡心螺能释放攻击性胰岛素自卫 (单词翻译:双击或拖选) Aspredators1go,cone2snails4are slow-moving and lack the typical fighting parts. They've made up for it by producing a vast array of fast-actingtoxins5that target the nervous systems ofprey6. A new study reveals that some cone snails add...