a高分子材料专业的英文翻译 High polymer material specialized English translation [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 西班牙语翻译 葡萄牙语翻译 意大利语翻译 荷兰语翻译 瑞典语翻译 希腊语翻译 51La
高分子材料工程专业英语 Polymer materials engineering is a specialized field that focuses on the design, synthesis, and application of polymers. These high-performance materials are integral to various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and medical sectors. The study of polymer materials ...
高分子材料专业英语单词及短语precipitation 沉淀 in the strictest sense 严格地讲 aromatic 芳香族的 hardener 固化剂 polymer n.聚合物,高聚物. rubber 橡胶; flocculating agent 絮凝剂; Alfin catalyst 醇烯催化剂 thermoset 热固性的; conductive material 导电材料; with the advent of 随着...的出现; cured ...
高分子材料(cáiliào)专业英语 第一第页一页,,共共707页0。页。UNIT2ChainPolymerization words olefin(e)olefinpolymerolefinpolymerizationalpha-olefindiolefinpolyolefin vinyl polyvinylalcohol vinylbenzene polyvinylchloridevinylplastic vinylmonomer vinylresincoatingvinylsiliconeoil 第第二二页页,,共共7700页页。。
6、ag molding热成型 thermal forming拉伸热成型 stretch thermoforming袋模塑 bag molding糊塑 paste molding镶铸 imbedding冲压成型 impact molding触压成型 impression molding层压材料 laminate泡沫塑料成型 foam molding包模成型 drape molding充气吹胀 inflation橡胶胶乳 rubber latex胶乳 latex高分子胶体 polymer colloid生...
高分子材料专业英语 Polymer materials are a type of material with high molecular weight composed of repeating structural units, or monomers. These materials have a wide range of applications in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and electronics. In recent years, the ...
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