新外研版新教材高中英语选择性必修一全册课文及翻译(中英Word精编)Unit 1 Laugh out loud! Understanding ideas The Best Medicine 最佳妙药 1 As I approach the hospital wearing my white coat, I look just like any other doctor. That is until I put on my curly rainbow wig, big red nose, and ...
it even can be seen from outer space. More than 25 million years old, the Great Barrier Reef is made up of living coral growing on dead coral. It is host to many species of birds and sea creatures. But this u...
say a bean plant, gets attacked by insects. The plant releases tiny amounts of chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a warning, or a call for help: “I’m being attacked!” When another bean p...
2019外研版高中英语新教材必修一全册课文翻译 热度: 2019新外商中抒性必修文及洋 Unit1Laughoutloud! Understandingideas TheBestMedicine 最佳妙 1AsIapproachthehospitalwearingmywhitecoat?Ilookjustlikeanyother doctor.ThatisuntilIputonmycurlyrainbowwi&bigrednose,andaddmyname ...
外研版高中英语新教材(选择性必修第一册)课文及录音Unit 4 P38 Unit 4Meeting the muse Understanding ideas:What inspires you?你的灵感从哪儿来? Every artist’s wish is to create something that expresses an idea. But where do artists get their ideas from? Who or what inspires them? Here we ...
【新教材】外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit 1单元综合测试卷(Word版,含答案),【新教材】外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit 1 单元综合测试卷 时间:100 分钟 满分:120 分 选择题部分 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每,【新教材】外
1、外研版选择性必修第一册外研版选择性必修第一册 unit1+unit2 课文语法填空课文语法填空+课文原句翻译课文原句翻译 unit1 .After reading the passage,please fill in the following blanks. I work as a clown doctor in the hospital.I walk into the waiting area,1._ theres a familiaratmosphereofbored...
(2019新教材)外研版高中英语选择性必修一unit1 developing ideas- the importance of humor课文 语法填空训练(含课文录音+答案+课文双语翻译).zip主要内容为:外研版高中英语新教材,选择性必修第一册,课文及录音,幽默的重要性,课文综合语法填空训练,答案,课文双语解析,