参考答案 SSP教师助手9月4日 基础篇 Pl The Best Family Vacation Ever Reading 1-4 AADD Translation 1.As soon as the news spread that she would quit the entertainment industry at the end of the year, there were many discussions among her fans. 2.1 keep reminding myself that it is no use ...
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高中英语外刊阅读语篇精选第3辑.docx,高中英语 外刊阅读 语篇精选 ● 选材英美主流杂志●对标国家最新课标 ●一线教师特约撰稿 基础篇CONTENTS 目录 基础篇 Leonardo, 500 years after his death 01 The facts about Facebook 03 Icons of the Animal Kingdom 05 The grass
1/20《高中英语外刊阅读语篇精选》配套习题(第3辑)参考答案 基础篇P1Leonardo,500yearsafterhisdeath VocabularyI.1.展出的最后一站2.揭幕一个回顾展3.非常重视作画4.突出这位艺术家的兴趣II.1. rarelydisplayedmasterwork2. acuratedversionof3. presentreproductionsofLeonardo’sinventions4. house nearlyathirdof...
《高中英语外刊阅读语篇精选 高1 首都师范大学出版社》,作者:高中英语外刊阅读语篇精选 高1 首都师范大学出版社编写组 著,出版社:首都师范大学出版社,ISBN:9787565672996。
高中英语外刊阅读语篇精选基础篇 P1??The Best Family Vacation Ever Reading 1-4 AADD Translation 1. As soon as the news spread that she would quit the entertainment industry at the end of the year, there were many discussions among her fans. 2. I keep reminding myself that it is no use ...
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