高中英语短语归纳及例句大全 一、日常用语 1. Greetings •Hello! How are you?(你好!你好吗?) •Good morning/afternoon/evening.(早上/下午/晚上好。) •What’s up?(最近怎么样?) 2. Introduction •Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。) •This is my friend, Tom.(这是我的朋友汤姆。) ...
高中英语单词100例句1. The annual worth of Utah’s manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined。 1.尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和。 2. The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support。 2.墙花...
高中英语 强调例句 1 强调主语It was he that saw Mr. Wang on TV yesterday. 是他在电视上看到了王先生。2 强调宾语It was Mr. Wang that he saw on TV yester
精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务-精选资料可修改编辑全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式必修3(本单元由:张丽、水梅、婷娣、孝荣、惠如 负责)Unit 1Take place发生come about; happen; occur1、The concert takes place next Thursday.音乐会将在下周二...
百度题库 试卷 高中 英语 摘要 正文 . 必修 2 (本单元由:晓奔、素琼、婉清、知福、黄婧 负责) Unit1 Culturaladj. 文化的 of or relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society 1、There are cultural differences in the way people interact 人们交往的方式有很多文化上的区别。 2、Egypt...
高中生英语常用短语大全及例句1 1、about 1.be about sth 忙于做某事,在干某事。如: What are you about? 你在干(忙)什么? He knew what he was about. 他知道自己在干什么。 be about to do sth (1)即将,马上(不与具体时间状语连用)。如: Sit down, everyone. The film is about to start. 大家...
高中英语单词附带例句 1. Substantial (adj.) - of considerable importance, size, or worth - He received a substantial raise in salary for his hard work.2. Diverse (adj.) - showing a great deal of variety; different - The city is known for its diverse culture and population.3. Resilient ...
每个句子都是常考语法点的经典例句,高中英语90%的单词和语法都在这里了,英语成绩还没提上来的,建议打印学习。阅读和写作都可以应用到,利用课余时间反复读,在做题你会发现顺畅很多的。电子版领取点击我的主页头像,私信【英语200】即可领取 其中针对学习情况并赠送偏科学习方法和免费提分技巧课程给大家 ...
百度题库 试卷 高中 英语 摘要 正文 高中英语必修一单词经典例句 必修一Unit 1 Friendship 1、surveyn.___Hemadeasurveyon eating habits. 2、add up.___Add upall themoney thatI owe you.. 3、upsetadj.vt. .___ 1.Our plan is upset by the bad weather. 2.Tom looks upset. 4、ignorevt.._...