1. Field surveys showed that the different intercropping patterns of co rns with potatoes had different effects on potato bacterial wilt (Ralstonia sola nacearum). 田间调查比较马铃薯与玉米不同套种模式对马铃薯青枯病的控制作用结果表明,马铃薯套种玉米可减少青枯病病菌在株行间的蔓延,抑制马铃薯青枯病的发生。
二倍体马铃薯青枯病抗性的分离及分子标记鉴定 3. Identification of SRAP Marker and Cloning of Protease Inhibitor Ⅰ Gene Segment Associated with Bacterial Wilt Resistance in Diploid Potato; 马铃薯青枯病抗性SRAP标记的筛选及蛋白酶抑制子Ⅰ基因片段的克隆 4. Evaluation of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt of Pota...