4. 甲状腺疾病会“伪装”,及早干预是关键――访上海交通大学附属第一人民医院内分泌代谢科副主任吴艺捷教授 [J] . 赵非一 . 家庭医药:就医选药 . 2020,第2期 5. 我的植物朋友——会伪装的石头花 [J] . 李艾洋 ,葛宁 . 文学少年 . 2019,第023期 6. 初探“人体血糖升高”是“血液变异”现象——“...
摘要 A method of mechanical free abrasive finishing process for processing the aero-engine blade was presented. A variety of factors which affect the finishing quality was analyzed. On the assessment basis of the final part dimensional accuracy and surface finishing effect, the effect...