香港科技大学的金融学理学硕士(Master of Science in Finance)专业是一个高质量的学术项目,为学生提供...
简称HKUST)作为香港最年轻、最富声望的高校之一,其金融学硕士(Master of Science in Finance)项目备受...
The MSc in Economics Program aims to provide solid economics and analytical training for students in order to prepare them for further pursuit of higher academic degrees in economics, finance, marketing, management, etc. With the solid training and strong support of the faculty of the economics de...
Master of Business Administration (International)(只接受非全日制,香港中文大学和复旦大学联合项目) Master of Economics(只接受全日制,学制1-2) Master of Finance(只接受全日制,学制1-2年) Master of Global Management(只接受全日制,学制1-2年) Master of Science in Business Analytics(只接受全日制,学制1-2年...
Systematic Methods in Qualitative Research 32 社会科学研究的计量方法II SOSC 5340 Econometric Approaches to Social Science Research II 33 可持续发展 ENVR 3110 Sustainable Development 34 生物医学和生物技术研究 LIFS 5001 Responsible Conduct of Biomedical and Biotechnology Research ...