目前,江斌教授担任三个国际期刊的副主编和多个国际期刊编委,包括地理信息学顶级期刊《International Journal of Geographical Information Science》。 江斌教授曾在柏林自由大学、伦敦大学学院、香港理工大学、和瑞典耶夫勒大学任职。受邀担任北京城市实验室(BeijingCityLab)荣誉主任、国际生物都市主义协会(Biourbanism)科学顾问...
学校院系:香港科技大学(广州)城市治理与设计学域 合作导师:江斌 招收类型:博后 申请截止日期:尽快申请 项目介绍 TheUrban Governance and Design (UGOD) Thrust in HKUST(GZ)is looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow forcross-disciplinaryresearch on one or two of the following subjects: • Geographic Informatio...
Zi, Yunlong 訾云龙 24位教授上榜 "终身科学影响力排行榜"按姓名首字母排序 Chen, Lei 陈雷 Chu, Xiaowen 褚晓文 Huang, Xinyi 黄欣沂 Hui, Pan 许彬 Jiang, Bin 江斌 Kim, Sung Hun Lee, Ricky Shi-Wei 李世玮 Lee, Shuncheng 李顺诚 Liu, Ming 刘明 Ng, Charles Wang Wai 吴宏伟 Ni, Lionel M. 倪明...
The candidate is expected to work together with 江斌教授 Professor Bin Jiang's (https://faculty...
Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing Urban Analytics and Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Geospatial Big Data and Al/Deep Learning Neuroscience, environmental psychology, and/or cognitive science The candidate is expected to work together with 江斌教授 Professor Bin Jiang's (https://fa...
学校院系:香港科技大学(广州)城市治理与设计学域 合作导师:江斌 招收类型:博后 申请截止日期:尽快申请 01项目介绍 TheUrban Governance and Design (UGOD) Thrust in HKUST(GZ)is looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow for cross-disciplinary research on one or two of the following subjects: • Geographic Inf...