求助饥荒报内存不足..半年没玩了,最近看更新了,然后stem上把最新的dlc买了,但是创建地图时,进不去闪退并报Don't Starve Together has run out of memory and must sh
从steam上下了个饥荒,运行是能运行,但一进游戏先是未响应之后就跳出这样一个弹窗 我也没加模组啊 Don't Starve Together has run out of memory and must shut down.If you have mods installed consider disabling some of them and trying again. 我看好像是让我清内存,然后我清了清游戏,把CSGO,DOTA2都卸...
32g内存也会run out of memory?我确实开mod开的有点多但不至于内存溢出吧。这里肯定有问题 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-03-10 23:36回复 EnChAnTe88 浆果果腹 5 有没有大佬来解释一下?单机啊,再从哈姆雷特穿越去巨人国的时候崩了,mod确实开得有点多,大概有20多个,尤其还开了一个天堂的mod。但...
刚在steam买的饥..刚在steam买的饥荒,玩不了,打开游戏就是run out of memory.我一个mod 都没装,这是什么问题呢?我的电脑联想Y400,以前玩盗版的饥荒一点问题都没有的,这次不仅哈姆雷特玩不了,海
饥荒启动问题..Out Of Memory Don't Starve Together has run out of memory and must shut down.If you have mods installed consider disabling some of them and tryingagain.这怎么弄啊
英文内容是Don't Starve Together has run out of memory and must shut down.If you have mods installed consider disabling some of them and trying again.送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2016-02-06 00:19回复 ZFNY 海洋水怪 14 我给你简单翻译一下:饥荒联机版耗尽了内存并且关机。如果你开了mod的话...