食人草的英文翻译,食人草用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/shí rén cǎo/ 食人草的英文翻译 Snapper 双语例句 单词专题
食人草(英文名:Snapper)是多年生草本,具根状茎。其株丛20~150厘米,丛径1~3米;根系发达,茎秆直立、坚韧、不易倒伏;叶互生,表皮细胞具有大量乳状突起,使水分不易透入;圆锥花序;5-11月陆续开花,10-12月结实,结实率低。 根系发达,茎秆直立、坚韧、不易倒伏。叶互生,表皮细胞具有大量乳状突起,使水分不易透入;...
英文回答: The Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a fascinating and iconic carnivorous plant that has captivated the imagination of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. It is a small plant, typically growing to be only 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) tall. Its leavesare arranged in a rosette and...
英文回答: The Venus flytrap, also known as the "carnivorous plant," is a fascinating organism that has captured the attention of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. Its unique ability to trap and digest insects has long been a subject of study and wonder. The Venus flytrap is native to...
英文回答: Carnivorous plants have always fascinated me. Among them, the Venus flytrap, or the "食人草" as it is known in Chinese, is particularly intriguing. This unique plant is native to the wetlands of North and South Carolina in the United States. Its scientific name is Dionaea muscipula...
英文名 Weed Eater 种类 武器 伤害 24 (召唤) 击退 4 (较弱击退力) 魔力 15 使用时间 30(普通速度) 说明 召唤固定的植株喷射毒种 造成减益 中毒 减益持续时间 3秒 减益提示 缓慢损失生命值 减益几率 100% 稀有度 售价 50 ...
英文回答: My plant friend is a Venus flytrap, also known as a "食人草" in Chinese. It is an interesting and unique plant that captures and eats insects. I have had this plant for a few months now, and it has become a fascinating companion. The Venus flytrap has a distinctive appearanc...
card ID:41216 / UNG_063 食人草(EN:Biteweed)是勇闯安戈洛中加入的一张潜行者 随从牌。 卡牌描述 语言效果 简体中文 连击:在本回合中,你每使用一张其他牌,便获得+1/+1。 繁体中文 連擊:本回合 打出的每張其他卡牌使其獲得+1/+1 英文 Combo: Gain +1/+1 for each other card you've played this...
Ochu 采纳哦