三丽欧的顺序表 三丽鸥的全员角色名字为:Hello Kitty凯蒂猫、my melody美乐蒂、Kuromi库洛米、Charmmy Kitty俏咪、Little Twin Stars双子星、JEWEL PET宝石宠物、Bad Bad tz-maru酷企鹅、Cinnamoroll大耳狗、Sugarbunnies蜜糖邦尼、Shin Kan Sen新干线号、KEROKERO KEROPPI大眼蛙可洛比、U-Sa-Ha-Na花小兔、NYOKKI&PENNE...
牛(丑) - Ox;虎(寅) - Tiger;兔(卯) - Rabbit;龙(辰) - Dragon;蛇(巳) - Snake;马(午) - Horse;羊(未) - Goat;猴(申) - Monkey;鸡(酉) - Rooster;狗(戌) - Dog;猪(亥) - Pig;双语短片 你知道中国十二生肖真正的来历吗?在十二生肖里,猪,鸡,羊的英文表达...
Lantern Festival is a China’s traditional festival.It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.Several days before Lantern Festival,people begin to make lanterns.Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals,vegetables,fruits and many,other things.While makin...