如贝多芬所言:“音乐,是比一切智慧,一切哲学更高的启示。”这句话深刻地揭示了音乐在人类精神世界中的崇高地位。音乐以其独特的方式,引领人们探索生命的意义,感受宇宙的奥秘,是连接人类内心世界的桥梁。 在日常生活中,音乐扮演着不可或缺的角色。它能够激发人们的情绪,调节氛围,甚至...
有关音乐的英语名言有关音乐的英语名言 Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to each other. — Pablo Picasso Without music, life would be a mistake. — Friedrich Nietzsche The language of music is universal; it speaks to the heart and soul. — Unknown Music is the ...
音乐英语名言 导读:1、音乐能够治芥蒂。 Music can cure heart disease. 2、音乐是空气的诗歌。 Music is the air of poetry. 3、音乐常使死亡延误。 Music often makes delay death. 4、钟声是音乐的笑声。 The bell is the laughter of the music. 5、舞蹈音乐是爱情之子。 Dance music is the son of...
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (音乐是人类通用的语言。——亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗) "Without music, life would be a mistake." - Friedrich Nietzsche (如果没有音乐,生活将是一个错误。——弗里德里希·尼采) "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and char...
音乐英语名言 1、音乐可以治心病。 Music can cure heart disease. 2、音乐是空气的诗歌。 Music is the air of poetry. 3、音乐常使死亡迟延。 Music often makes delay death. 4、钟声是音乐的笑声。 The bell is the laughter of the music. 5、舞蹈音乐是
音乐英语名言 1、音乐可以治心病。 Music can cure heart disease. 2、音乐是空气的诗歌。 Music is the air of poetry. 3、音乐常使死亡迟延。 Music often makes delay death. 4、钟声是音乐的笑声。 The bell is the laughter of the music. 5、舞蹈音乐是爱情之
1、你拯救了音乐界! You saved the music! 2、建筑是凝固的音乐。 Architecture is frozen music. 3、音乐是人生的艺术。 Music is the art of life. 4、音乐是思维着的声音。 With the sound of music is thinking. 5、音乐是人类的第二语言。 Music is the second language of mankind. 6、喜欢音乐的...
关于音乐的英语名言 music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist.-- g. k. chesterton 开启智慧的三把钥匙:数学、语言、音乐。 ——英. piano lessons boost children's memories。 ——波兰.肖邦 音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示,谁能渗透我音乐的意义,便能超脱寻常人无以...
有关音乐的英语名言 1、音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示。 Music is a higher revelation than all ter does not belong to me. 24、一个人久了,不想谈恋爱。我就沉溺那点音乐抱着我那堆幻想脱轨。 A person for a long time, dont and serene. 30、有一天生命会离开,但音乐可以超越这一切。 One...