2.申请人签证信息/DETAILSOFVISAAPPLICATION 2.1滞留期间(长.短期)PeriodofStay(Long/Short-term) 90天以上长期滞留Long-term Stay over 90 days() 90天以下短期滞留Short-term Stay less than 90 days() 2.2滞留资格Status of Stay 本栏由工作人员填写FOROFFICIALUSEONLY (空白) (第2页/Page 2) 3.护照信息...
第一,在1.7项“国家身份证号码 National Identity No.”处填写SIN号码; 第二,在第2.2项“滞留资格 Status of Stay”处填写” C-3-9 “; 第三,在4.1项“本国住址 Home Country Address of the applicant”处填写身份证地址; 第四,6大项填写最终毕业的学历信息即可; 第五,10.2项中的“费用类别”处,根据实...
4. 根据「出入境管理法施行规则」第9条第1项,C类签证持有者入境韩国后不得变更滞留资格。 Please notethatcategoryC visaholdersarenot abletochangetheirstatusofstayafter their entry intotheRepublic ofKoreainaccordancewith Article9(1) oftheEnforcement Regulations oftheImmigrationAct. 申请人 Applicant 处理机构...
4. 根据大韩民国《出入国管理法施行规则》第9条第1款规定,外国人持韩国C类签证入境后不能更改滞留资格种类。 Please note that category C visa holders are not able to change their status of stay after their entry into the Republic of Korea in accordance with Article 9(1) of the Enforcement Regula...
申请日期Date of Application申请人签名Signature of Applicant领馆专用栏 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY申请方式滞留资格签证种类两次* 屡次本人 * 代理人审查票据栏滞留期间单次请将审查票据贴在此处有效期间接收输入发给输入交付输入材料整理探填写时请参考反面的有关事项考前须知O请附上一张6个月以 6、内的2寸免冠照片。O...
签证申请表(CN, EN)韩国
韩国签证申请表滞留资格 韩国签证申请表费用类别怎么填篇一 申请人姓名(中文)性别:□男□女 出生年月日:出生地:身份证号码: 婚姻情况:□已婚□未婚□离异最高学历: 职业状况: □在职 □退休 □学生□无业或个体 单位(学校)名称:单位电话: 单位(学校)地址:家庭电话: ...
根据出入境管理法施行规则第9条第1项,C类签证持有者入境韩国后不得变更滞留资格。Please note that category C visa holders are not able to change their status of stay after their entry into the Republic of Korea inaccordance with Article 9(1) of the Enforcement Regulations of the Immigration Act....
4. 根据「出入境管理法施行规则」第9条第1项,C类签证持有者入境韩国后得变更滞留资格。 Please note that category C visa holders are not able to change their status of stay after their entry into the Republic of Korea in accordance with Article 9(1) of the Enforcement Regulations of the ...