经过200万年的雨季后,三叠纪逐渐结束,地球走进了一个属于恐龙的时代——侏罗纪。海洋爬行动物 还有可能下这场雨吗?卡尼期洪积事件的前提是地球经历了差不多2000万年的温室效应,因为高温将水蒸气输送到大气中,最后大气水蒸气饱和变成大雨落下。在卡尼期洪积事件后,地球再也没有陷入过这么长的雨季。那么,这场大...
雨曾下过 Baran Mibarid(2016) 导演:Ali Safikhani 编剧:Arian Lotfalian/Roya Mohaghegh 主演:Golchehre Sajadieh/Mehdi Ahmadi/Catherine Aslani/Mehdi Shadizadeh 类型:剧情 制片国家/地区:伊朗 语言:波斯语 上映日期:2016-11-24(Goa International Film Festival of India)/2017-11-11(Sheed Persian Film Fe...
暂无 剧情简介 Azar, a traditional wife and a protective mother, has previously agreed with her husband, Iraj, to get a divorce when their only daughter marries. She regards this divorce a disgrace, but accepts it reluctantly. Iraj goes into a coma in a car accident. Now Azar faces the ...
然而比起曾经在地球上出现过的一场大雨来讲,我们今天遇到这些只能算是洒洒水啦,因为那场雨居然下了上百万年!远古的“一场”雨 在探索各地的地质历史时,科学家们发现了一个叫做“卡尼期洪积事件”的现象,它表明大约在2.4亿年前,地球曾经历了一场至少长达100万年的持续降水期。这个时间长度我们肯定难以想象...
看过 简介 Azar, a traditional wife and a protective mother, has previously agreed with her husband, Iraj, to get a divorce when their only daughter marries. She regards this divorce a disgrace, but accepts it reluctantly. Iraj goes into a coma in a car accident. Now Azar faces the dile...
看过 简介 Azar, a traditional wife and a protective mother, has previously agreed with her husband, Iraj, to get a divorce when their only daughter marries. She regards this divorce a disgrace, but accepts it reluctantly. Iraj goes into a coma in a car accident. Now Azar faces the dile...
4月初到6月末,南方多地遭受强对流天气侵袭,不是暴雨就是在下暴雨的路上,3个月就让广大网友直呼“受不了”。 然而你可曾知道,地球早在2.3亿年前下过一场持续了200多万年的降雨,史称“卡尼期洪积事件”。 我们无法穿越回远古,那么又是如何知道远古发生了什么事?