雅思口语新话题雅思口语换题季 5-8月雅思口语新题更新中,5月份要考试的宝子们赶紧收藏起来!
每年1、5、9月的雅思口语换题季,官方都会更换40-50%题目,屠雅老手一般都会选择在换题前报名雅思考试,从而避免遇到自己没准备过的新题。 眼看5月换题季马上就到了,你是不是也在疯狂冲刺1-4月题库,准备在4月底一举拿下雅思呢? 根据新东方一线考鸭最新战报,...
换题季Tips 通常,雅思官方会在每年的1、5、9月三个时间段对雅思口语考试固定口语题库换题,换题后会在之后3个月内保持稳定,所以每年会有3份口语题库(即1-4月、5-8月、9-12月)。 当然,大家也不用过于担心,雅思口语换题季并没有那么可怕,也...
02雅思口语Part2&301 理想房子/公寓Part 2:Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live You should say:- What it is like- Where it is located- What facilities it has- And explain why you want to live in this house/apartmentPart 3:1. How have houses/apartments changed over...
2023年5-8月雅思口语部分新题 Part 1 1. Ice cream (新题) (1) Do you like ice cream? (2) Did you eat ice cream when you were a child? (3) Are there any shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
下方为考鸭们汇总了今日更新的5-8月雅思口语考试的Part 2部分新题。 Part 2 1.特别的一餐 Describe a person who make a special meal for you Who did it When and where how she/he cooked Why She/he cooked for you And explain how you felt about the meal ...
2024年5-8月雅思口语新题分享 随着上周末的考试和最近机考的考试,我的新题收集工作终于完成,我这么勤奋难道不值得一个小红心?还有各部分的语料和备考方法也在同步制作中,请大家持续关注。 部分新题如下图 部分题目文本如下: Teachers (旧题) Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
2023年5-8月雅思口语部分新题 Part 11. Ice cream (新题)(1) Do you like ice cream?(2) Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?(3) Are there any shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?(4) Can you make ice cream by yourself?2. Fixing things (新题)(1) ...
大家心心念的5-8月雅思口语题库终于出来了,有需要的同学赶紧来领取哦!本次雅思口语题库由新航道收集整理,并且经过反复验确,证保了雅思口语题库的高质量,2023年5-8月雅思口语新题库详情目录内容如下所示。IELTS Speaking Part 1 Part 1 必考话题 1. Hometown[old 2. Work or Study [old 3....
【最新最全】2024年5-8月雅思口语完整题库(含答案) 速冲!!!看完8+上岸!!! 599 -- 21:40:58 App 【2024最新Simon雅思全集】前雅思考官Simon中文字幕版网课;涵盖Simon写作、Simon口语、Simon听力!附讲义 写作观点库,大小作文满分作文 2729 15 42:38:16 App 【雅思王陆语料库】精听3、4、5、11章节,附可...