剑桥雅思真题16—写作(Test2附高分范文) Writing Task 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugar cane. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. ...
声明:8分源于雅思官方写作批改网站 http://www.writeandimprove.com 给出的分数 题目:以下斜体部分为多样的语法结构;粗体部分为优秀词组搭配 The diagram illustrates the multi-step process involved in the production of sugar from sugar canes. Overall, it is apparent that it entails two major stages, a...
但是,在解体的思路上,其实和传统的地图题没有太大的区别,我们还是主要分区域,突出变化前后的对比。 思路: body1 - 对比目前在出发和到达大厅的对比(蓝色部分) body2 - 突出boarding gates部分的对比(橘色部分) #雅思写作 #雅思小作文数据图0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 windfly小风筝 2025-01-21 📚有证...
雅思写作课堂 The diagram given depicts the production process of sugar from sugar cane. Seven stages are shown, from the initial growing to the completed sugar at the end. To begin with, the sugar canes need to be planted and grown. This step would typically be operated in some...
1. 首先这是一个problem / solution类型的作文,topic描述了越来越多人探索住宅或建筑历史这样一个现象。需要回答why和how两个类型的问题,第一个是原因分析,第二个不是常见的提出解决方案,而是要给出研究历史的具体办法。2. 分析原因并提出具体办法。探寻老屋的原因可以纯粹出于好奇心,出于对历史的兴趣,也可能...
【剑桥雅思16Test2Task2作文写作】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑桥雅思16Test2Task2雅思作文题目。In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way
【剑桥雅思16Test 2Task1作文写作】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑桥雅思16Test 2Task1雅思作文题目。The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar fromsugar cane.Summarise th
目标不在超级高分的同学在结尾段落时,都不需要考虑用词上的花样,正确就安全,安全就好。好啦,今天的分享就到这啦 如果喜欢本篇内容点赞、转发、评论鼓励一下作者鸭 你还想了解哪些内容下方评论区留言分享鸭 END 【新航道3分钟学雅思】粉丝福利《剑桥雅思真题16》PDF+音频完整版 免费领取!