IELTS Speaking Questions 雅思口语考试的Part 3部分,也被称为“深入讨论”或“双向讨论”,是口语考试的最后阶段,这部分测试考生在更抽象、更复杂的层面上使用英语进行讨论的能力。以下是关于Part 3的详细介绍: 1 时间 Part 3大约持续4-5...
第一部分Part 1就你的个人生活进行一些small talk,简短的回答,简短的聊天,考官和考生的一问一答,是...
For the most part, I think I'd have to say thatI'm not so keen on(第1种讨厌表达)the weather.To be specific,I really can't stand(第2种讨厌表达)the summer months.This is mainly becausethe temperature can get as high as 40 degrees andI find it extremely unpleasant(第3种讨厌表达).It...
Part 2 (individual long turn) “The candidate is given a verbal prompt on a card and is asked to talk on a particular topic. The candidate has 1 minute to prepare before speaking at length, for between 1 and 2 minutes. The examiner then asks one or two rounding-off questions. ” 熟悉...
1. 都是Conversation的考试性质,即一问一答。2. 都没有思考时间。在考官问完问题后,考生应该直接给出答案。3. 考试时间均为 3-4 分钟 二、雅思口语part1和part3的不同点:1. Part 3 的问题难度远远高于Part 1的问题。Part 1的问题与考生的生活息息相关,而Part 3的问题与你拿到的Part 2...
扩充词汇:straightforward and bold,considerate and thoughtful雅思高频词汇口语部分Weather:Generally speaking, my city is a typical temperate-zone city with distinct four seasons. It is neither freezing in winter nor scorching in summer. 扩充词汇:cool, chilly, muggy, mild, be li 16、ke spring all ...
1. Wild Animals [new]2. Friends [疑似新题]3. Teachers [疑似新题]ABSTRACT 1. Concentration[new]2. Health [疑似新题]3. Ambition [疑似新题]4. Dream [疑似新题]IELTS Speaking Part 2&3 PLACES 1. Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future[new]2. ...
雅思口语part1和part3的相同点: 1、都是Conversation的考试性质,即一问一答。 2、都没有思考时间。在考官问完问题后,考生应该直接给出答案。 3、考试时间均为 3-4 分钟。 1、Part 3 的问题难度远远高于Part 1的问题。Part 1的问题与考生的生活息息相关,而Part 3的问题与你拿到的Part 2话题相关,且领域更...
part3考完的时候,考官会说: Ok, so this is the end of the speaking test, thank you ! 然后就可以离场了,注意走的时候跟考官说声:Thank you for your time, sir/madam! (不管觉得自己发挥如何,这句话的语气记得真诚些)。好的礼貌体现有时候也会默默加分。最后,祝广大雅思考生考出理想的成绩!