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C13-T3-P2 中 How baby talk gives infant brains a boost 神经科学 Question 1 正确答案:B Question 2 正确答案:C Question 3 正确答案:A Question 4 正确答案:B Question 5 正确答案:recording devices Question 6 正确答案:fathers / dads Question 7 ...
How baby talk gives infant brains a boost A The typical way of talking to a baby - high-pitched, exaggerated and repetitious - is a source of fascination for linguists who hope to understand how 'baby talk' impacts on learning. Most babies start developing their hearing while still in the ...
如同大多数文章一样,文章首先使用两段话讲明baby talk的意义,然后再引导读者去多维度地探寻其如何影响婴儿大脑发育。 A段首先定义baby talk,然后说明它早在娘胎就可以开始的特点。 B段作为过渡,指出早暴露在语言环境对婴儿的好处,并提问为什么,引出后续各项影响因素的研究。 C- F段依次引述了四项研究结果,这四项...
剑桥雅思13Test3Passage2阅读答案解析 How baby talk gives infant brains a boost 儿语如何促进婴儿大脑发育 剑桥雅思13阅读第三套题目第二篇文章的13道题由4道人名观点匹配,6道总结型填空和3道段落信息匹配组成。题目本身难度不算太大,但文章长难句较多,给我们的理解带来一定困难。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析...
剑桥雅思13Test3Passage2阅读答案解析 How baby talk gives infant brains a boost 儿语如何促进婴儿大脑发育 剑桥雅思13Test3Passage3阅读答案解析 Whatever happened to the Harappan Civilisation 哈拉帕文明衰落的原因 剑桥雅思13阅读Test4 剑桥雅思13Test4Passage1阅读答案解析 Cutty Sark: the fastest sailing ship ...
9分达人阅读第51套P2-How baby talk gives infant brains a boosttuonindefu.com/?9分达人阅读第51套P3-Whatever happened to the Harappan Civilisation?tuonindefu.com/?9分达人阅读第52套P1-Cutty Sark: the fastest sailing ship of all timetuonindefu.com/?9分达人阅读第52套P2-SAVING THE SOILtuo...
How baby talk gives infant brains a boost A The typical way of talking to a baby - high-pitched, exaggerated and repetitious - is a source of fascination for linguists who hope to understand how 'baby talk' impacts on learning. Most babies start developing their hearing while still in the...
雅思阅读第248套P2-How baby talk gives infant brains a boost 00:42 雅思阅读第248套P3-Whatever happened to the Harappan Civilisation 00:36 雅思阅读第254套P3-Reducing the Effects of Climate Change 00:39 雅思阅读第254套P2-THE FALKIRK WHEEL 00:34 雅思阅读第249套P1-Cutty Sark the fastest...